Friday, July 16, 2010

My attempt at the look Lady Gaga rocked in Alejandro

Yes I love that song. No I do not think I am Lady Gaga. DER.

Anywho, it's a deceptively simple, wait maybe I didn't relay that right. i.e. It looks easy but there's a lot of highlighting going on with the eyelids and cheekbones that requires some skill. There's a lot going on with the eyes that did not show up well on my camera. Bone white frosty shadows with taupe frost in the crease and as a soft liner on top and bottom of the eye. Shimmery pinky mauve blush and whitish highlighter on top of the cheekbones. I mixed the red lipstick with some black eye pencil to make it darker. No mascara. Voila. It's not an amazing homage by any means, but it was fun. Now I'm going to jam to the song on....wait for it....Youtube!

Oh Alejandro,
Pink Pamplemousse xoxox

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