Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Clip-Ins for Your Hair! You and your weave.

Some people can rock wigs like whoa, but I've always had a head that looks odd in wigs. I think I have a overly large head or something, which makes sense cuz I have a huge brain, which makes sense cuz I am a ge-ni-us. Anyway, a fabulous, easy, terrific looking, NATURAL looking alternative is clip-ins! I have some on in this photo, one on each side of my cranium. Imagine what you could do with four, six, twenty! Ok, not twenty. Basically, they're fake hair attached at the tip by a hair comb clip. The clip is very small, maybe a half inch across. They are so easy to insert and look flawless. They come curly or straight. Make sure to maintain your fake hair with wig spray (oil) and gentle washing. The brand I use is Hair U Wear.

Yeah You Are,
Pink Pamplemousse

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